ID Service Rate per 1000 Min order Max order

Emergency Services🚨

1 Brazilian Followers│⭐Premium│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 25.89 10 500 000
Leitura ObrigatĂłria

Devido as recentes atualizaçþes do Instagram, Ê necessårio que você desative ou peça ao seu cliente que desative a função de sinalizar seguidores. Segue abaixo como realizar a desativação.

1. No app do Instagram, acesse seu perfil e toque em ☰
2. Agora clique em "Seguir e convidar amigos"
3. Desative o botĂŁo "Sinalizar para anĂĄlise"

É importante realizar esses procedimentos para garantir que seus seguidores cheguem de forma ágil e eficiente, a não desativação dessa função poderá causar lentidão nos seus envios.
4 Seguidores│⭐Premium│♻️R30│⏳100K/D│⚡️ R$ 15.07 10 1 000 000
Mandatory Reading

Due to recent Instagram updates, you may need to disable or ask your client to disable the follower flagging feature. Here's how to disable it.

1. In the Instagram app, go to your profile and tap ☰
2. Now click on "Follow and invite friends"
3. Disable the "Flag for review" button

It is important to carry out these procedures to ensure that your followers arrive quickly and efficiently. Failure to deactivate this function may cause your uploads to be slower.
5 Seguidores│🥇HQ│♻️R365│⚡️ R$ 23.91 10 100 000
Mandatory Reading

Due to recent Instagram updates, you may need to disable or ask your client to disable the follower flagging feature. Here's how to disable it.

1. In the Instagram app, go to your profile and tap ☰
2. Now click on "Follow and invite friends"
3. Disable the "Flag for review" button

It is important to carry out these procedures to ensure that your followers arrive quickly and efficiently. Failure to deactivate this function may cause your uploads to be slower.
6 Followers│🥇HQ│♻️R60│⚡ R$ 20.80 10 100 000
Mandatory Reading

Due to recent Instagram updates, you may need to disable or ask your client to disable the follower flagging feature. Here's how to disable it.

1. In the Instagram app, go to your profile and tap ☰
2. Now click on "Follow and invite friends"
3. Disable the "Flag for review" button

It is important to carry out these procedures to ensure that your followers arrive quickly and efficiently. Failure to deactivate this function may cause your uploads to be slower.
7 Followers │🥇HQ │⏳100K/D│⚡️ R$ 11.65 50 500 000
Mandatory Reading

Due to recent Instagram updates, it is necessary for you to disable or ask your client to disable the follower flagging function. Below is how to deactivate.

1. In the Instagram app, go to your profile and tap ☰
2. Now click on "Follow and invite friends"
3. Disable the “Flag for Review” button

It is important to carry out these procedures to ensure that your followers arrive quickly and efficiently, failing to deactivate this function may cause slowness, and may even not arrive completely.

Read the message above to avoid headaches, and prevent you from not receiving all the followers purchased, failure to carry out the above procedure may lead to the preliminary completion of your order without everything having arrived, and we will not provide any guarantee regarding this, for Therefore, we emphasize that it is important to carry out the procedures described above.
8 Followers │🥇HQ │⏳50K/D│⚡️ R$ 15.53 10 100 000
Mandatory Reading

Due to recent Instagram updates, it is necessary for you to disable or ask your client to disable the follower flagging function. Below is how to deactivate.

1. In the Instagram app, go to your profile and tap ☰
2. Now click on "Follow and invite friends"
3. Disable the “Flag for Review” button

It is important to carry out these procedures to ensure that your followers arrive quickly and efficiently, failing to deactivate this function may cause slowness, and may even not arrive completely.

Read the message above to avoid headaches, and prevent you from not receiving all the followers purchased, failure to carry out the above procedure may lead to the preliminary completion of your order without everything having arrived, and we will not provide any guarantee regarding this, for Therefore, we emphasize that it is important to carry out the procedures described above.
9 Followers │🥇HQ│⏳20K/D│⚡️ R$ 14.37 10 100 000
Mandatory Reading

Due to recent Instagram updates, you must disable or ask your client to disable the follower flagging feature. Below is how to disable it.

1. In the Instagram app, access your profile and tap ☰
2. Now click on "Follow and invite friends"
3. Disable the "Flag for review" button

It is important to perform these procedures to ensure that your followers arrive quickly and efficiently. Failure to disable this function may cause delays, and may even cause them to not arrive completely.

Read the message above to avoid headaches and to prevent you from not receiving all the followers you purchased. Failure to perform the above procedure may result in your order being completed prematurely without everything having arrived, and we do not provide any guarantees regarding this, so we emphasize that it is important to perform the procedures described above.
10 Followers│🥇HQ│⏳10K/D│⚡ R$ 11.24 50 500 000
Mandatory Reading

Due to recent Instagram updates, you must disable or ask your client to disable the follower flagging feature. Below is how to disable it.

1. In the Instagram app, access your profile and tap ☰
2. Now click on "Follow and invite friends"
3. Disable the "Flag for review" button

It is important to perform these procedures to ensure that your followers arrive quickly and efficiently. Failure to disable this function may cause delays, and may even cause them to not arrive completely.

Read the message above to avoid headaches and to prevent you from not receiving all the followers you purchased. Failure to perform the above procedure may result in your order being completed prematurely without everything having arrived, and we do not provide any guarantees regarding this, so we emphasize that it is important to perform the procedures described above.
11 Followers│🥇HQ│⏳5K/D│⚡️ R$ 12.65 10 100 000
Mandatory Reading

Due to recent Instagram updates, you must disable or ask your client to disable the follower flagging feature. Below is how to disable it.

1. In the Instagram app, access your profile and tap ☰
2. Now click on "Follow and invite friends"
3. Disable the "Flag for review" button

It is important to perform these procedures to ensure that your followers arrive quickly and efficiently. Failure to disable this function may cause delays, and may even cause them to not arrive completely.

Read the message above to avoid headaches and to prevent you from not receiving all the followers you purchased. Failure to perform the above procedure may result in your order being completed prematurely without everything having arrived, and we do not provide any guarantees regarding this, so we emphasize that it is important to perform the procedures described above.
12 Followers│🥈MQ│⏳1K/D│❄️ R$ 3.06 10 200
Mandatory Reading

This service is of low quality and without warranty, so use it wisely. In cases of non-completion, there is no guarantee or replacement. So only use these services if you agree with this. We advise that you only use the service for small amounts or for test shipments. We emphasize that under no circumstances will any refund be given or any type of guarantee provided regarding this service.

Daily Promotion🎁

13 Views in Vídeo│⭐Premium│⚡️⚡️ R$ 0.15 100 2 147 483 647
14 Views in Vídeo│🥇HQ │⚡️ R$ 0.08 100 2 147 483 647
15 Views in Vídeo │🥈MQ │⚡️ R$ 0.07 100 2 147 483 647
16 Brazilian Followers│⭐Premium │♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 31.78 100 500 000
17 Followers│⭐Premium │⚡️ R$ 19.92 100 1 000 000
Mandatory Reading

Due to recent Instagram updates, you must disable or ask your client to disable the follower flagging feature. Below is how to disable it.

1. In the Instagram app, access your profile and tap ☰
2. Now click on "Follow and invite friends"
3. Disable the "Flag for review" button

It is important to perform these procedures to ensure that your followers arrive quickly and efficiently. Failure to disable this function may cause delays, and may even cause them to not arrive completely.

Read the message above to avoid headaches and to prevent you from not receiving all the followers you purchased. Failure to perform the above procedure may result in your order being completed prematurely without everything having arrived, and we do not provide any guarantees regarding this, so we emphasize that it is important to perform the procedures described above.
18 Followers │⭐Premium│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 15.18 10 1 000 000
Mandatory Reading

Due to recent Instagram updates, you must disable or ask your client to disable the follower flagging feature. Below is how to disable it.

1. In the Instagram app, access your profile and tap ☰
2. Now click on "Follow and invite friends"
3. Disable the "Flag for review" button

It is important to perform these procedures to ensure that your followers arrive quickly and efficiently. Failure to disable this function may cause delays, and may even cause them to not arrive completely.

Read the message above to avoid headaches and to prevent you from not receiving all the followers you purchased. Failure to perform the above procedure may result in your order being completed prematurely without everything having arrived, and we do not provide any guarantees regarding this, so we emphasize that it is important to perform the procedures described above.
19 Followers │⭐Premium│♻️R365│⚡️ R$ 22.18 10 1 000 000
20 Followers │🥇HQ │⚡️ R$ 18.21 10 1 000 000
Mandatory Reading

Due to recent Instagram updates, you must disable or ask your client to disable the follower flagging feature. Below is how to disable it.

1. In the Instagram app, access your profile and tap ☰
2. Now click on "Follow and invite friends"
3. Disable the "Flag for review" button

It is important to perform these procedures to ensure that your followers arrive quickly and efficiently. Failure to disable this function may cause delays, and may even cause them to not arrive completely.

Read the message above to avoid headaches and to prevent you from not receiving all the followers you purchased. Failure to perform the above procedure may result in your order being completed prematurely without everything having arrived, and we do not provide any guarantees regarding this, so we emphasize that it is important to perform the procedures described above.
21 Followers │🥇HQ │♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.45 10 1 000 000
Mandatory Reading

Due to recent Instagram updates, you must disable or ask your client to disable the follower flagging feature. Below is how to disable it.

1. In the Instagram app, access your profile and tap ☰
2. Now click on "Follow and invite friends"
3. Disable the "Flag for review" button

It is important to perform these procedures to ensure that your followers arrive quickly and efficiently. Failure to disable this function may cause delays, and may even cause them to not arrive completely.

Read the message above to avoid headaches and to prevent you from not receiving all the followers you purchased. Failure to perform the above procedure may result in your order being completed prematurely without everything having arrived, and we do not provide any guarantees regarding this, so we emphasize that it is important to perform the procedures described above.
22 Followers│🥈MQ │♻️R03│⚡️ R$ 13.90 10 15 000
Mandatory Reading

Due to recent Instagram updates, you must disable or ask your client to disable the follower flagging feature. Below is how to disable it.

1. In the Instagram app, access your profile and tap ☰
2. Now click on "Follow and invite friends"
3. Disable the "Flag for review" button

It is important to perform these procedures to ensure that your followers arrive quickly and efficiently. Failure to disable this function may cause delays, and may even cause them to not arrive completely.

Read the message above to avoid headaches and to prevent you from not receiving all the followers you purchased. Failure to perform the above procedure may result in your order being completed prematurely without everything having arrived, and we do not provide any guarantees regarding this, so we emphasize that it is important to perform the procedures described above.
23 Followers │🥈MQ │⚡️ R$ 11.03 10 15 000
Mandatory Reading

Due to recent Instagram updates, you must disable or ask your client to disable the follower flagging feature. Below is how to disable it.

1. In the Instagram app, access your profile and tap ☰
2. Now click on "Follow and invite friends"
3. Disable the "Flag for review" button

It is important to perform these procedures to ensure that your followers arrive quickly and efficiently. Failure to disable this function may cause delays, and may even cause them to not arrive completely.

Read the message above to avoid headaches and to prevent you from not receiving all the followers you purchased. Failure to perform the above procedure may result in your order being completed prematurely without everything having arrived, and we do not provide any guarantees regarding this, so we emphasize that it is important to perform the procedures described above.
24 Followers │🥉LQ│⚡️ R$ 10.54 10 5 000
Mandatory Reading

This service is of low quality and without warranty, so use it wisely. In cases of non-completion, there is no guarantee or replacement. So only use these services if you agree with this. We advise that you only use the service for small amounts or for test shipments. We emphasize that under no circumstances will any refund be given or any type of guarantee provided regarding this service.
25 Likes│⭐Premium │♻️R365│➖│🎯Old account│⚡️ R$ 0.59 10 5 000 000
26 Likes│🥇HQ │♻️R365│⚡️ R$ 0.31 10 5 000 000
27 Likes │🥈MQ │⚡️ R$ 0.16 10 100 000
28 Brazilian Likes│🥇HQ│♻️R30│📌Max 1K│ ⚡️ R$ 2.56 20 1 000 000
29 Brazilian Likes│🥇HQ │♻️R30│📌Max 5K│⚡️ R$ 2.75 20 1 000 000
30 Brazilian Likes│🥇HQ │♻️R30│📌Max 50K│⚡️ R$ 3.11 20 1 000 000

Brazilian Services✨

31 Brazilian Followers│⭐Premium │♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 26.73 10 500 000
33 Brazilian Followers│🥈MQ│⚡️ R$ 13.39 50 500 000
34 Brazillian Likes│⭐Premium│♻️R30 │⚡️ R$ 4.01 20 1 000 000
35 Brazilian Likes│🥇HQ│♻️R30│📌Max 1K │⚡️ R$ 3.20 20 1 000 000
36 Brazilian Likes│🥇HQ│♻️R30│📌Max 5K │⚡️ R$ 3.28 20 1 000 000
37 Brazilian Likes│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 4.57 20 1 000 000
38 Brazilian Likes│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 2.86 20 1 000 000
39 Brazilian Likes│🥈MQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 1.40 100 500 000
40 Brazilian Likes│🥈MQ│⚡️ R$ 1.29 100 500 000

Worldwide Followers🌎

41 Followers│⭐Premium │♻️R365│⚡️ R$ 22.99 10 1 000 000
42 Followers│🥇HQ │🟰│♻️AR120│⚡️ R$ 24.41 50 500 000
Mandatory Reading

Due to recent Instagram updates, you must disable or ask your client to disable the follower flagging feature. Below is how to disable it.

1. In the Instagram app, access your profile and tap ☰
2. Now click on "Follow and invite friends"
3. Disable the "Flag for review" button

It is important to perform these procedures to ensure that your followers arrive quickly and efficiently. Failure to disable this function may cause delays, and may even cause them to not arrive completely.

Read the message above to avoid headaches and to prevent you from not receiving all the followers you purchased. Failure to perform the above procedure may result in your order being completed prematurely without everything having arrived, and we do not provide any guarantees regarding this, so we emphasize that it is important to perform the procedures described above.
43 Followers│🥇HQ│🟰│♻️AR60│⚡️ R$ 21.42 50 500 000
Mandatory Reading

Due to recent Instagram updates, you must disable or ask your client to disable the follower flagging feature. Below is how to disable it.

1. In the Instagram app, access your profile and tap ☰
2. Now click on "Follow and invite friends"
3. Disable the "Flag for review" button

It is important to perform these procedures to ensure that your followers arrive quickly and efficiently. Failure to disable this function may cause delays, and may even cause them to not arrive completely.

Read the message above to avoid headaches and to prevent you from not receiving all the followers you purchased. Failure to perform the above procedure may result in your order being completed prematurely without everything having arrived, and we do not provide any guarantees regarding this, so we emphasize that it is important to perform the procedures described above.
44 Followers│🥇HQ│🟰│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 18.44 50 500 000
Leitura ObrigatĂłria

Devido as recentes atualizaçþes do Instagram, Ê necessårio que você desative ou peça ao seu cliente que desative a função de sinalizar seguidores. Segue abaixo como realizar a desativação.

1. No app do Instagram, acesse seu perfil e toque em ☰
2. Agora clique em "Seguir e convidar amigos"
3. Desative o botĂŁo "Sinalizar para anĂĄlise"

É importante realizar esses procedimentos para garantir que seus seguidores cheguem de forma ágil e eficiente, a não desativação dessa função poderá causar lentidão, e até mesmo podendo não chegar completamente.

Leia a mensagem acima para evitar dores de cabeça, e evitar que você não receba todos os seguidores comprados, a não realização do procedimento acima poderå levar na conclusão prematura do seu pedido sem ter chegado tudo, e não prestaremos nenhuma garantia quanto a isso, por isso, reforçamos que Ê importante realizar os procedimentos descritos acima.
45 Followers│🥇HQ│♻️R365│⚡️ R$ 13.60 50 500 000
46 Followers│🥇HQ │⚡️ R$ 14.64 10 2 000 000
Mandatory Reading

Due to recent Instagram updates, you must disable or ask your client to disable the follower flagging feature. Below is how to disable it.

1. In the Instagram app, access your profile and tap ☰
2. Now click on "Follow and invite friends"
3. Disable the "Flag for review" button

It is important to perform these procedures to ensure that your followers arrive quickly and efficiently. Failure to disable this function may cause delays, and may even cause them to not arrive completely.

Read the message above to avoid headaches and to prevent you from not receiving all the followers you purchased. Failure to perform the above procedure may result in your order being completed prematurely without everything having arrived, and we do not provide any guarantees regarding this, so we emphasize that it is important to perform the procedures described above.
47 Followers│ 🥈MQ │♻️R03│⚡️ R$ 14.85 10 15 000
Mandatory Reading

Due to recent Instagram updates, you must disable or ask your client to disable the follower flagging feature. Below is how to disable it.

1. In the Instagram app, access your profile and tap ☰
2. Now click on "Follow and invite friends"
3. Disable the "Flag for review" button

It is important to perform these procedures to ensure that your followers arrive quickly and efficiently. Failure to disable this function may cause delays, and may even cause them to not arrive completely.

Read the message above to avoid headaches and to prevent you from not receiving all the followers you purchased. Failure to perform the above procedure may result in your order being completed prematurely without everything having arrived, and we do not provide any guarantees regarding this, so we emphasize that it is important to perform the procedures described above.
48 Followers│🥈MQ │⚡️ R$ 14.37 10 15 000
Mandatory Reading

Due to recent Instagram updates, you must disable or ask your client to disable the follower flagging feature. Below is how to disable it.

1. In the Instagram app, access your profile and tap ☰
2. Now click on "Follow and invite friends"
3. Disable the "Flag for review" button

It is important to perform these procedures to ensure that your followers arrive quickly and efficiently. Failure to disable this function may cause delays, and may even cause them to not arrive completely.

Read the message above to avoid headaches and to prevent you from not receiving all the followers you purchased. Failure to perform the above procedure may result in your order being completed prematurely without everything having arrived, and we do not provide any guarantees regarding this, so we emphasize that it is important to perform the procedures described above.

Services by Region🔰

49 Paraíba Followers│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 20 5 000
50 Alagoas Followers│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 20 5 000
51 Amazonas Followers│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 20 5 000
52 Bahia Followers│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 20 5 000
53 Ceará Followers│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 20 5 000
54 Distrito Federal Followers│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 20 5 000
55 Espírito Santo Followers│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 20 5 000
56 Goiás Followers│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 20 5 000
57 Maranhão Followers│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 20 5 000
58 Minas Gerais Followers│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 20 5 000
59 Pará Followers│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 20 5 000
60 Pernambuco Followers│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 20 5 000
Margem de erro 3-7%.
61 Piauí Followers│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 10 5 000
62 Paraná Followers│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 10 5 000
63 Rio de Janeiro Followers│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 10 50 000
64 Followers from Rio Grande do Norte│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 10 5 000
65 Followers from Rio Grande do Sul│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 10 5 000
66 Santa Catarina Followers│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 10 5 000
67 São Paulo Followers│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 10 5 000
68 Tocantins Followers│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 20 5 000
69 Rondônia Followers│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 20 5 000
70 Mato Grosso Followers│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 10 5 000
71 Sergipe Followers│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 47.52 10 5 000
72 Likes Alagoas│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.23 20 1 000 000
73 Likes Amazônia │🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.23 20 1 000 000
74 Likes Bahia │🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.23 20 1 000 000
75 Likes Ceará│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.23 20 1 000 000
76 Likes Distrito Federal │🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.23 20 1 000 000
77 Likes Espírito Santo │🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.23 20 1 000 000
78 Likes Goiás │🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.23 20 1 000 000
79 Likes Maranhão│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.23 20 1 000 000
80 Likes Minas Gerais│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.23 20 1 000 000
81 Likes Pará│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.23 20 1 000 000
82 Likes Paraíba│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.23 20 1 000 000
83 Likes Pernambuco│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.23 20 1 000 000
84 Likes Piauí│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.23 20 1 000 000
85 Likes Paraná│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.23 20 1 000 000
86 Likes Rio de Janeiro│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.23 20 1 000 000
87 Likes Rio Grande do Norte│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.23 20 1 000 000
88 Likes Rio Grande do Sul │🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.23 20 1 000 000
89 Likes Santa Cataria │🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.23 20 1 000 000
90 Likes São Paulo│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.23 20 1 000 000
91 Likes Tocantins│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.23 20 1 000 000
92 Likes Mato Grosso │🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.23 20 1 000 000

Services by Gender👫

93 Brazilian Likes│Woman│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 9.45 20 50 000
94 Brazilian Followers│Woman│🥈MQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 33.19 10 10 000
95 Brazilian Likes│Man│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 9.45 20 50 000

Services by Country🏳️

96 American Followers│⭐Premium│♻️R07│💧│⚡️ R$ 47.41 100 1 000 000
97 American Views │⭐Premium│♻️R07│💧│⚡️ R$ 2.62 100 2 147 483 647
98 American Likes│⭐Premium│♻️R07│💧│⚡️ R$ 13.50 100 5 000 000
99 Brazilian Views│⭐Premium│💧│⚡️ R$ 1.94 100 2 147 483 647
100 Turkish Views │⭐Premium│💧│⚡️ R$ 2.62 100 2 147 483 647
101 Views Indonesia │⭐│Premium💧│⚡️ R$ 2.62 100 2 147 483 647
102 Russian Views │⭐│Premium💧│⚡️ R$ 2.62 100 2 147 483 647
103 Portuguese Views │⭐│Premium💧│⚡️ R$ 2.62 100 2 147 483 647

Automatic Delivery🔁

104 Likes│80% Woman│🥇HQ│💧│♻️Eternal│⚡️ R$ 2.60 10 300 000
105 Brazilian Likes│⭐Premium│⚡️│♻️R30│ R$ 5.71 20 1 000 000
106 Likes│🥇HQ│💧│⚡️ R$ 0.46 10 300 000
107 Likes│🥇HQ│♻️R30│💧│⚡️ R$ 0.97 10 300 000
108 Likes│🥇HQ│♻️R60│💧│⚡️ R$ 1.35 10 300 000
109 Likes│🥇HQ│♻️R120│💧│⚡️ R$ 1.64 10 300 000
110 Video Views│🥇HQ│💧│⚡️ R$ 2.68 100 2 147 483 647


111 Views in Vídeo│⭐Premium│⚡️ R$ 0.15 100 2 147 483 647
112 Views in Vídeo│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 0.08 100 2 147 483 647
113 Views in Vídeo │🥈MQ│⚡️│ R$ 0.07 100 2 147 483 647
114 Views Reels (Discovery Effect) │⭐Premium│💧│⚡️ R$ 1.37 100 2 147 483 647
115 Views Reels (Explorer + Acess) │⭐Premium│💧│⚡️ R$ 1.30 100 2 147 483 647
116 Story Views│⭐Premium │⚡️ R$ 1.22 100 200 000
117 Views on Stories │🥇AQ │⚡️ R$ 1.05 100 50 000
118 Brazilian Views on Stories │⭐Premium │⚡️ R$ 2.00 20 20 000
119 Live Views│⚡️Start from 0 to 5 minutes⚡️│30 minutes│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 29.23 50 20 000
120 Live Views│⚡️Start 0-5 Minutes⚡️│60 Minutes│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 58.44 50 20 000
121 Live Views│⚡️Start 0-5 Minutes⚡️│90 Minutes│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 87.65 50 20 000
122 Live Views│⚡️Start 0-5 Minutes⚡️│120 Minutes│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 116.86 50 20 000
123 Views Reels Brazilian+ 10% Likes│⭐Premium│⚡️ R$ 1.40 200 500 000
124 Views Reels Brazilian+ 20 % Likes│⭐Premium│⚡️ R$ 1.86 100 250 000
125 Views Reels Brazilian+ 30% Likes│⭐Premium│⚡️ R$ 2.54 100 166 666
126 Views Reels Brazilian+ 40% Likes│⭐Premium│⚡️ R$ 3.24 100 125 000
127 Views Reels Brazilian+ 50% Likes│⭐Premium│⚡️ R$ 3.93 100 100 000

Comments 💭

128 Likes in Comments│⭐Premium│➖│💧│⚡️ R$ 57.92 20 20 000

1. Open any web browser (computer), navigate to the media URL, create a new comment or locate an existing one that needs to be liked.

2. Click on the time the comment was made.

3. Copy the URL from the browser address bar and that's it!

129 Likes in Comments│⭐Premium│➖│⚡️⚡️ R$ 26.14 100 10 000
130 Random Comments│🥇HQ│⚡️⚡️ R$ 29.69 10 20 000
131 Custom Comments│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 31.32 10 5 000
134 Brazilian Positive Comments│🥇HQ│⚡️⚡️ R$ 203.87 10 500 000
139 Brazilian Comments│Personalized│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 188.18 10 500 000
140 Positive Comments│🥇HQ│😘💞💐🏵️😍🤩 😘😚🤯❤️ 💜💙💓💋 │⚡️ R$ 25.87 10 200 000
141 Negative Comments│🥇HQ│🤬😡😠😤😮‍💨🙄😒💩👿😈🤡🖕│⚡️ R$ 25.87 10 200 000


142 Impressions + Reach + Profile visits │🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 1.34 10 1 000 000
Only use publication links on this service, do not use profile links.

It can take up to 7 days for Instagram to update the data on the profile.
143 Sharing│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 2.92 100 5 000 000
144 Saved│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 5.55 20 100 000
145 Impressions + Reach + Profile visits │🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 0.78 100 500 000
146 Sharing│🥇HQ│♻️R90│⚡️ R$ 5.55 100 500 000


147 Direct Message│⭐Premium│➖│💧│⚡️ R$ 46.38 5 000 1 000 000 000
📌 Please read, no order sent incorrectly will be canceled.

❇️ Requirements:
* Your account must be public.
* You must provide at least 3 targets.
* External links are prohibited.

✅ Example:

1. Link: Link to your profile
2. Quantity: Amount of DMs to be sent
3. Usernames: Username of the target accounts
4. Hashtags: Text to be sent
148 Instagram Channel Member | Global 🌎 | [ Max 1M] | HQ Real | Instant 𝟏 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 🚀 R$ 6.53 10 1 000 000
149 Instagram Channel Member | Global 🌎 | [ Max 1M] | HQ Real | Instant 𝟏 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 🚀 90 Days Refill ♻️ R$ 8.16 10 1 000 000
150 Instagram Channel Member | Arab 🇸🇦 | [ Max 1M ] | HQ Real | Instant 𝟏 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 🚀 R$ 6.53 10 1 000 000
151 Instagram Channel Member | Arab 🇸🇦 | [ Max 1M ] | HQ Real | Instant 𝟏 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 🚀 90 Days Refill ♻️ R$ 8.16 10 1 000 000
152 Instagram Channel Member |100% Turkey 🇹🇷 | [ Max 1M ] | HQ Real | Instant 𝟏 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 🚀 R$ 6.53 20 1 000 000
153 Instagram Channel Member |100% Turkey 🇹🇷 | [ Max 1M ] | HQ Real | Instant 𝟏 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 🚀 90 Days Refill ♻️ R$ 8.16 20 1 000 000
154 Instagram Channel Member | Latin America 🇦🇷 | [ Max 1M ] | HQ Real | Instant 𝟏 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 🚀 R$ 6.53 10 1 000 000
155 Instagram Channel Member | Latin America 🇦🇷 | [ Max 1M ] | HQ Real | Instant 𝟏 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 🚀 90 Days Refill ♻️ R$ 8.16 10 1 000 000
156 Instagram Channel Member | Brazil 🇧🇷 | [ Max 1M ] | HQ Real | Instant 𝟏 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 🚀 R$ 6.53 10 1 000 000
157 Instagram Channel Member | Brazil 🇧🇷 | [ Max 1M ] | HQ Real | Instant 𝟏 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 🚀 90 Days Refill ♻️ R$ 8.16 10 1 000 000
158 Instagram Channel Member | Europe 🇪🇺 | [ Max 1M ] | HQ Real | Instant 𝟭 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝘂𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗱 🚀 R$ 6.53 10 1 000 000
159 Instagram Channel Member | Europe 🇪🇺 | [ Max 1M ] | HQ Real | Instant 𝟭 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝘂𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗱 🚀 90 Days Refill ♻️ R$ 8.16 10 1 000 000


160 Report in Profile🚫 R$ 9.41 1 000 1 000 000

The service in question is only for reporting purposes, it does not guarantee that any profile or publication will be removed. For greater effectiveness, we advise sending reports to profiles that are actually violating any of the community guidelines on the social network.
161 Report in Post🚫 R$ 13.85 1 000 1 000 000

The service in question is only for reporting purposes, it does not guarantee that any profile or publication will be removed. For greater effectiveness, we advise sending reports to profiles that are actually violating any of the community guidelines on the social network.
162 Report in Post🚫 R$ 9.10 1 000 1 000 000

The service in question is only for reporting purposes, it does not guarantee that any profile or publication will be removed. For greater effectiveness, we advise sending reports to profiles that are actually violating any of the community guidelines on the social network.
163 Report in Profile🚫 R$ 12.58 1 000 1 000 000

The service in question is only for reporting purposes, it does not guarantee that any profile or publication will be removed. For greater effectiveness, we advise sending reports to profiles that are actually violating any of the community guidelines on the social network.
164 Report in Post🚫 R$ 14.56 1 000 1 000 000

The service in question is only for reporting purposes, it does not guarantee that any profile or publication will be removed. For greater effectiveness, we advise sending reports to profiles that are actually violating any of the community guidelines on the social network.
165 Report in Post🚫 R$ 13.06 1 000 1 000 000

The service in question is only for reporting purposes, it does not guarantee that any profile or publication will be removed. For greater effectiveness, we advise sending reports to profiles that are actually violating any of the community guidelines on the social network.
166 Report in Post🚫 R$ 17.81 1 000 1 000 000

The service in question is only for reporting purposes, it does not guarantee that any profile or publication will be removed. For greater effectiveness, we advise sending reports to profiles that are actually violating any of the community guidelines on the social network.
167 Report in Post🚫 R$ 20.98 1 000 1 000 000

The service in question is only for reporting purposes, it does not guarantee that any profile or publication will be removed. For greater effectiveness, we advise sending reports to profiles that are actually violating any of the community guidelines on the social network.
168 Report in Post🚫 R$ 13.37 1 000 1 000 000
169 Report in Post🚫 R$ 13.37 1 000 1 000 000

Worldwide Likes🌎

170 Likes│⭐Premium│♻️R30│➖│Premium│⚡️ R$ 0.61 10 5 000 000
171 Likes│⭐Premium│♻️R60│➖│Premium│⚡️ R$ 0.67 10 5 000 000
172 Likes│⭐Premium│♻️R365│➖│Premium│⚡️ R$ 0.75 10 5 000 000
173 Automatic Likes│⭐Premium│➖│⚡️ R$ 2.05 10 80 000
174 Likes│🥇HQ│🟰│♻️R90│⚡️ R$ 1.08 10 5 000 000
175 Likes│🥇HQ│♻️R120│⚡️ R$ 0.58 10 5 000 000
176 Likes│🥇HQ│♻️R60│⚡️ R$ 0.42 10 5 000 000
177 Likes│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 0.40 10 5 000 000
178 Likes│🥇HQ│♻️AR30│⚡️ R$ 1.24 10 5 000 000
179 Likes│🥇HQ 🟰││⚡️ R$ 0.32 10 5 000 000
180 Likes│🥈MQ│⚡️ R$ 0.37 100 400 000
181 Likes│🥉LQ│⚡️ R$ 0.24 10 2 147 483 647

Esse serviço Ê de baixa qualidade, pode apresentar altas taxas de quedas, e atÊ mesmo não entregar o pedido, então se for utilizar, use consciente disso, para evitar transtornos, qualquer problema listado acima relacionado a esse serviço não adianta chamar no suporte, pois não terå nenhuma garantia relacionado a esse serviço. obrigado pela sua atenção :).

Services for Tiktok

182 Followers│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 14.77 10 1 000 000
183 Followers│⭐Premium│♻️R30│⚡️⚡️ R$ 16.95 10 1 000 000
184 Followers│🥇HQ│♻️R15│⚡️ R$ 15.32 10 1 000 000
185 Followers│🥇HQ│♻️R15│⚡️ R$ 15.86 10 1 000 000
186 Followers│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 16.42 10 1 000 000
189 100% Organic Followers│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 45.97 10 100 000
190 Likes│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 1.51 10 100 000
191 Likes│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 1.84 10 100 000
192 Brazilian Likes│🥇HQ│➖│⚡️ R$ 3.70 100 500 000
193 Brazilian Likes│🥇HQ│➖│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 4.42 10 500 000
194 Likes on Live│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 9.22 10 50 000 000
195 Likes + Views│🥇AQ│⚡️ R$ 2.70 10 100 000
196 Brazillian Likes in Story│⭐Premium│💧│⚡️ R$ 2.40 10 100 000
197 Likes on Story│🥈MQ│⚡️ R$ 4.80 50 30 000
198 Likes│🥉LQ│⚡️ R$ 1.38 100 1 000 000

Esse serviço Ê de baixa qualidade, pode apresentar altas taxas de quedas, e atÊ mesmo não entregar o pedido, então se for utilizar, use consciente disso, para evitar transtornos, qualquer problema listado acima relacionado a esse serviço não adianta chamar no suporte, pois não terå nenhuma garantia relacionado a esse serviço. obrigado pela sua atenção :).
199 DisLike in Comments│⭐Premium│♻️R30│💧│⚡️ R$ 4.33 100 1 000 000
200 DisLike in Comments│⭐Premium│♻️R30│💧│⚡️ R$ 7.91 10 20 000
201 Views│🥈MQ│⚡️ R$ 0.08 100 2 147 483 647

- Realize o envio com esse formato e link abaixo.
- Para pegar o link nesse formato, acesse o vĂ­deo pelo navegador, e copie a URL

(Formato) nĂşmeros)
202 Views│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 0.12 100 2 147 483 647

- Realize o envio com esse formato e link abaixo.
- Para pegar o link nesse formato, acesse o vĂ­deo pelo navegador, e copie a URL

(Formato) nĂşmeros)
203 Brazillian Views│⭐Premium│➖│💧│⚡️ R$ 5.77 100 2 147 483 647
204 Live Views│15 Min│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 5.20 50 100 000
205 Live Views│30 Min│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 10.40 100 100 000
206 Live Views│60 Min│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 20.79 100 100 000
207 Live Views│90 Min│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 31.18 100 100 000
208 Live Views│120 Min│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 41.57 100 100 000
209 Live Views│180 Min│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 62.35 100 100 000
210 Live Views│240 Min│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 83.12 100 100 000
211 Emoji Comments in Live│🥇AQ│⚡️ R$ 10.40 10 10 000
212 Random Comments on Live│🥇AQ│⚡️ R$ 10.40 10 10 000
213 Personalized Comments in Live│🥇AQ│⚡️ R$ 10.40 10 10 000
214 Emoji Comments│🥇AQ│⚡️ R$ 11.88 10 10 000 000
215 Custom Comments│🥇AQ│⚡️ R$ 20.83 10 10 000 000
216 Comments Random│🥇AQ│⚡️ R$ 20.83 10 10 000 000
217 Sharing│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 1.11 50 100 000
218 Shares │🥈MQ│⚡️ R$ 3.46 10 10 000 000
219 Não tenho interesse│🥇AQ│⚡️ R$ 2.32 50 20 000
220 Views Download│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 0.10 10 2 147 483 647
221 Saved│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 0.70 10 1 000 000

Services for Youtube

222 Subscribers│⭐Premium│➖│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 54.59 100 10 000 000
223 Subscribers│⭐Premium│➖│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 90.97 100 10 000 000
224 Subscribed│🥇HQ│♻️R30│➖│❄️ R$ 55.62 50 500 000

Inicio: 0-60 minutos ou atĂŠ 96 horas.

O canal deve ter pelo menos um vĂ­deo de 4 minutos publicado.
225 Subscribed│🥇HQ│♻️R60│➖│❄️ R$ 63.21 50 500 000
226 Subscribed│➖│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 42.98 50 500 000

Inicio: 0-60 minutos ou atĂŠ 96 horas.

O canal deve ter pelo menos um vĂ­deo de 4 minutos publicado.

Os envios devem ser feitos de quantias multiplas de 100*
227 Subscribed│🥉LQ│⚡️ R$ 6.63 100 100 000
Esse serviço Ê de baixa qualidade, pode apresentar altas taxas de quedas, e atÊ mesmo não entregar o pedido, então se for utilizar, use consciente disso, para evitar transtornos, obrigado pela sua atenção :).
228 Likes│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 5.41 10 10 000
Entenda os significados das nossas siglas;

❄️ Lento|⚡️ Rápido|❌ Sem garantia|♻️ Com garantia|♾️ Sem Queda|🥇,🥈,🥉 Qualidade|

🥇Alta Qualidade
🥈Media Qualidade
🥉Baixa Qualidade

⚠️Entrega em: (3 minutos a 48 horas).
♻️A numeração a frente do (R) significa a quantia de dias de garantia.
☘️Como realizar o pedido ?

1- Selecione o serviço do seu interesse .
2- Informe o Link do vĂ­deo ou canal, conforme o envio.
3- Informe a quantidade desejada do serviço.
4- Clique em (Comprar).

Envie serviços para o mesmo perfil apenas após o pedido anterior ser concluido.
Informe o nome de usuario sem o @.
229 Likes│🥈MQ│ ♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 5.06 10 300 000
230 Likes│⭐Premium│➖│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 5.77 10 10 000
231 Likes│🥉LQ│⚡️ R$ 2.51 50 100 000
Esse serviço Ê de baixa qualidade, pode apresentar altas taxas de quedas, e atÊ mesmo não entregar o pedido por completo, então se for utilizar, use consciente disso, para evitar transtornos, obrigado pela sua atenção :).
232 Brazilian Likes│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 6.88 10 10 000
233 Brazilian Likes│⭐Premium│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 7.45 10 10 000
234 Likes for Shorts│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 11.60 10 300 000
235 Likes in Comments│⭐Premium│♻️R30│❄️ R$ 11.58 10 5 000 000

O youtube costuma parar de contabilizar os likes de um comentĂĄrio apartir do momento em que ele passa das 5 mil curtidas, entĂŁo caso vĂĄ realizar o envio para um comentĂĄrio que jĂĄ estĂĄ acima disso, tenha em mente que o pedido pode concluir, e nĂŁo ser exibido todas as curtidas no seu comentĂĄrio.

Nenhum suporte serĂĄ prestado nesses casos por se tratar de um problema direto do youtube.
236 Likes in Comments│⭐Premium│💧Drip-Feed│⚡️ R$ 12.52 10 5 000 000

O youtube costuma parar de contabilizar os likes de um comentĂĄrio apartir do momento em que ele passa das 5 mil curtidas, entĂŁo caso vĂĄ realizar o envio para um comentĂĄrio que jĂĄ estĂĄ acima disso, tenha em mente que o pedido pode concluir, e nĂŁo ser exibido todas as curtidas no seu comentĂĄrio.

Nenhum suporte serĂĄ prestado nesses casos por se tratar de um problema direto do youtube.
237 Likes in Comments│⭐Premium│💧Drip-Feed│⚡️ R$ 9.35 10 5 000 000

O youtube costuma parar de contabilizar os likes de um comentĂĄrio apartir do momento em que ele passa das 5 mil curtidas, entĂŁo caso vĂĄ realizar o envio para um comentĂĄrio que jĂĄ estĂĄ acima disso, tenha em mente que o pedido pode concluir, e nĂŁo ser exibido todas as curtidas no seu comentĂĄrio.

Nenhum suporte serĂĄ prestado nesses casos por se tratar de um problema direto do youtube.
238 Like in Community│🥇HQ│💧│⚡️ R$ 13.99 10 100 000
239 Likes on Live│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 17.25 10 250 000
240 Views + Retention│⏰3 Minutes│⭐Premium│⚡️ R$ 12.39 100 1 000 000
241 Views│⭐Premium│⚡️ R$ 12.77 100 1 000 000
242 Views │🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.15 100 1 000 000
Entenda os significados das nossas siglas;

❄️ Lento|⚡️ Rápido|❌ Sem garantia|♻️ Com garantia|♾️ Sem Queda|🥇,🥈,🥉 Qualidade|

🥇Alta Qualidade
🥈Media Qualidade
🥉Baixa Qualidade

⚠️Entrega em: (3 minutos a 48 horas).
♻️A numeração a frente do (R) significa a quantia de dias de garantia.
☘️Como realizar o pedido ?

1- Selecione o serviço do seu interesse .
2- Informe o Link do vĂ­deo ou canal, conforme o envio.
3- Informe a quantidade desejada do serviço.
4- Clique em (Comprar).

Envie serviços para o mesmo perfil apenas após o pedido anterior ser concluido.
Informe o nome de usuario sem o @.
243 Views via ADS │🥇HQ│➖│⚡️ R$ 14.58 100 1 000 000
245 Live Views│15 Min│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 6.02 10 500 000
Understand the meaning of our acronyms;

❄️ Slow|⚡️ Fast|❌ No warranty|♻️ With warranty|♾️ No Drop|🥇,🥈,🥉 Quality|

🥇High Quality
🥈Medium Quality
🥉Low Quality

⚠️Delivery in: (3 minutes to 48 hours).
♻️The number in front of (R) means the number of days of warranty.
☘️How to place the order?

1- Select the service of your interest.
2- Enter the link of the video or channel, as sent.
3- Enter the desired quantity of the service.
4- Click on (Buy).

Send services to the same profile only after the previous order is completed.
Enter the username without the @.
246 Live Views│30 Min│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 12.01 50 500 000
Enter only amounts that are multiples of *100. If amounts that are not multiples of 100 are entered, the order will be cancelled.

Example: 100, 200, 300, 400... 2100, 2200, 2300..
247 Live Views│60 Min│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 21.18 50 500 000
Understand the meaning of our acronyms;

❄️ Slow|⚡️ Fast|❌ No warranty|♻️ With warranty|♾️ No Drop|🥇,🥈,🥉 Quality|

🥇High Quality
🥈Medium Quality
🥉Low Quality

⚠️Delivery in: (3 minutes to 48 hours).
♻️The number in front of (R) means the number of days of warranty.
☘️How to place the order?

1- Select the service of your interest.
2- Enter the link of the video or channel, as sent.
3- Enter the desired quantity of the service.
4- Click on (Buy).

Send services to the same profile only after the previous order is completed.
Enter the username without the @.
Enviar comentarios
Paneles laterales
248 Live Views│90 Min│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 31.78 50 500 000
Understand the meaning of our acronyms;

❄️ Slow|⚡️ Fast|❌ No warranty|♻️ With warranty|♾️ No Drop|🥇,🥈,🥉 Quality|

🥇High Quality
🥈Medium Quality
🥉Low Quality

⚠️Delivery in: (3 minutes to 48 hours).
♻️The number in front of (R) means the number of days of warranty.
☘️How to place the order?

1- Select the service of your interest.
2- Enter the link of the video or channel, as sent.
3- Enter the desired quantity of the service.
4- Click on (Buy).

Send services to the same profile only after the previous order is completed.
Enter the username without the @.
249 Live Views│120 Min│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 41.00 50 500 000
Understand the meaning of our acronyms;

❄️ Slow|⚡️ Fast|❌ No warranty|♻️ With warranty|♾️ No Drop|🥇,🥈,🥉 Quality|

🥇High Quality
🥈Medium Quality
🥉Low Quality

⚠️Delivery in: (3 minutes to 48 hours).
♻️The number in front of (R) means the number of days of warranty.
☘️How to place the order?

1- Select the service of your interest.
2- Enter the link of the video or channel, as sent.
3- Enter the desired quantity of the service.
4- Click on (Buy).

Send services to the same profile only after the previous order is completed.
Enter the username without the @.
250 Live Views│150 Min│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 95.65 50 500 000
251 Live Views│150 Min│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 135.26 50 500 000
252 Live Views│150 Min│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 270.52 50 500 000
253 Live Views│150 Min│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 468.11 50 500 000
254 Exibition Hours│⭐Premium │➖│💧│♻️R15│READ DESCRIPTION R$ 331.77 100 100 000

Please provide a link to a 60-minute video to get the most out of the service.
This service has slow delivery, so please open a ticket only if it does not start within 92 hours.

✅1000 Views = 1000 hours
✅Use long videos for better results
255 Hours on display│⭐Premium │ ➖│♻️R30│LEIA A DESCRIÇÃO│ R$ 80.95 10 100 000

Please provide a link to a 60-minute video to get the most out of the service.
This service has slow delivery, so please open a ticket only if it does not start within 92 hours.

✅1000 Views = 100+ hours
✅Use long videos for better results
256 Brazilian Personalized Comments│⭐Premium│💧│⚡️ R$ 837.81 10 250
257 Brazilian Comments│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 1105.91 10 250
258 Personalized Comments│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 10.90 100 500 000
Understand the meaning of our acronyms;

❄️ Slow|⚡️ Fast|❌ No warranty|♻️ With warranty|♾️ No Drop|🥇,🥈,🥉 Quality|

🥇High Quality
🥈Medium Quality
🥉Low Quality

⚠️Delivery in: (3 minutes to 48 hours).
♻️The number in front of (R) means the number of days of warranty.
☘️How to place the order?

1- Select the service of your interest.
2- Enter the link of the video or channel, as sent.
3- Enter the desired quantity of the service.
4- Click on (Buy).

Send services to the same profile only after the previous order is completed.
Enter the username without the @.
259 Comments on Live│⭐Premium│⚡️ R$ 28.18 5 7 500
260 Replies in Comments│⭐Premium│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 1436.23 10 300

Services for Kwai

261 Followers Brazilian│⭐Premium│♻️R365│⏳100K/D│⚡ R$ 9.11 10 1 000 000
262 Followers│⭐Premium│♻️R365│⏳100K/D│⚡ R$ 8.32 10 1 000 000
263 Followers│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 5.95 100 600 000
264 Brazilian Followers│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 4.49 100 600 000
265 Brazilian Followers│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 4.57 10 1 000 000
266 Brazilian Followers│Male│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 8.80 10 500 000
267 Brazilian Followers│Female│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 8.80 10 500 000
268 Brazilian Likes│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 1.89 100 600 000
269 Brazilian Likes│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 2.51 10 600 000
270 Brazilian Likes│Male│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 6.74 10 500 000
271 Brazilian│Female Likes│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 6.74 10 500 000
272 Comments Like│⭐Premium│♻️R30│➖│💧│⚡️ R$ 15.48 100 500 000
273 Like in Stream│⭐Premium│➖│⚡️ R$ 11.49 10 1 000 000
274 Brazilian Likes│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 2.60 10 600 000
275 Brazilian Views + Bônus│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 3.47 100 600 000
276 Dislike │🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 2.59 100 500 000
277 100 Random Comments│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 10.86 10 1 000 000
278 Personalized Comments│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 12.17 10 1 000 000
279 Random Comments in Stream│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 14.66 10 1 000 000
280 Custom Comments in Stream│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 23.37 10 1 000 000
281 Emoji Comments │🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 7.73 10 500 000
282 Emoji Comments │🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 7.73 10 500 000
283 Brazilian Sharing│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 1.99 10 1 000 000
284 Download Video │🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 6.69 100 500 000
285 Video Printing│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 2.98 100 500 000

Services for Twitter

286 Followers│🥇HQ│♻️R07│⚡️ R$ 7.97 10 1 000 000
287 Followers│🥇HQ│♻️R15│⚡️ R$ 8.88 10 1 000 000
288 Followers│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 10.71 10 1 000 000
289 Followers│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 11.52 100 500 000
290 Likes│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 10.06 100 100 000
291 Tweet Views│🥈MQ│⚡️ R$ 1.11 100 2 147 483 647
292 Tweet Views│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 2.11 100 2 147 483 647
293 Visualizações em Tweet│🥇AQ│⚡️ R$ 0.02 100 2 147 483 647
294 Retweet│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 3.46 10 100 000
295 Retweet│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 3.84 10 1 000 000

Serviços para Bluesky

296 Followers│⭐Premium│♻️R30 │⚡️ R$ 58.25 100 500 000
297 Likes│⭐Premium│♻️R30 │⚡️ R$ 45.13 100 500 000
298 Retweet│⭐Premium│♻️R30 │⚡️ R$ 36.26 100 500 000
299 Comments Custom│⭐Premium│♻️R30 │⚡️ R$ 180.77 10 500 000
300 Comment Random││⭐Premium│♻️R30 │⚡️ R$ 139.54 10 500 000

Services for Threads

301 Followers│🥇AQ│💧│⚡️ R$ 20.83 100 20 000
302 Followers│🥇AQ│♻️R30│💧│⚡️ R$ 28.74 100 20 000
303 Followers│🥇HQ│➖│⚡️ R$ 44.25 100 50 000
304 Likes│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 8.13 100 100 000
305 Likes│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 10.38 100 100 000
307 Rethreads│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 69.43 10 5 000

Services for Twitch

308 Followers│⭐Premium│➖│♻️R365│⚡️⚡️ R$ 31.68 50 50 000
309 Followers│⭐Premium│♻️R15│⚡️ R$ 3.63 9 500 000
310 Followers│⭐Premium│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 4.96 10 650 000
311 Video Views│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 9.32 10 100 000
312 Clip Views│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 13.98 50 30 000
313 Viewers for 1 hour R$ 174.24 10 2 000
314 Spectators for 2 Hours R$ 300.96 10 2 000
315 Spectators for 3 Hours R$ 427.68 10 2 000
316 Viewers for 1 Day R$ 1552.32 10 2 000
317 Viewers for 7 Day R$ 8632.80 10 2 000
This plan includes a monthly package of personalized live chat messages.

To request activation of this service, open a ticket with the following information:

Messages: (Send all the messages you want to be sent in the chat, each message separated by a line)
Sending time: (Period in seconds between sending one message and another)
318 Viewers for 30 Day R$ 15602.40 10 2 000
This plan includes a monthly package of personalized live chat messages.

To request activation of this service, open a ticket with the following information:

Messages: (Send all the messages you want to be sent in the chat, each message separated by a line)
Sending time: (Period in seconds between sending one message and another)

Services for Kick

319 Followers│⭐Premium│➖│♻️R365 ⚡️⚡️ R$ 71.28 50 30 000
320 50-75 Viewers for 1 Hour R$ 31.53 1 1
🔹Let support know when you start streaming🔹
321 50-75 Viewers for 2 hours R$ 47.37 1 1
🔹Let support know when you start streaming🔹
322 50-75 Viewers for 3 hours R$ 63.21 1 1
🔹Let support know when you start streaming🔹
323 100-150 Viewers for 1 Hour R$ 47.37 1 1
🔹Let support know when you start streaming🔹
324 100-150 Viewers for 2 Hour R$ 63.21 1 1
🔹Let support know when you start streaming🔹
325 100-150 Viewers for 3 Hour R$ 79.05 1 1
🔹Let support know when you start streaming🔹
326 450-500 Viewers for 1 Hour R$ 79.05 1 1
🔹Let support know when you start streaming🔹
327 450-500 Viewers for 2 Hour R$ 126.57 1 1
🔹Let support know when you start streaming🔹
328 450-500 Viewers for 3 Hour R$ 158.25 1 1
🔹Let support know when you start streaming🔹

Services for Trovo

329 50-75 Viewers for 1 Hour R$ 31.53 1 1
🔹Let support know when you start streaming🔹
330 50-75 Viewers for 2 hours R$ 47.37 1 1
🔹Let support know when you start streaming🔹
331 50-75 Viewers for 3 Hour R$ 63.21 1 1
🔹Let support know when you start streaming🔹
332 100-150 Viewers for 1 Hour R$ 47.37 1 1
🔹Let support know when you start streaming🔹
333 100-150 Viewers for 3 Hour R$ 79.05 1 1
🔹Let support know when you start streaming🔹
334 450-500 Viewers for 1 Hour R$ 79.05 1 1
🔹Let support know when you start streaming🔹
335 450-500 Viewers for 2 Hour R$ 126.57 1 1
🔹Let support know when you start streaming🔹
336 450-500 Viewers for 3 Hour R$ 158.25 1 1
🔹Let support know when you start streaming🔹

Services for Telegram

337 Members in Channel/Group│⭐Premium│➖│⚡️ R$ 30.04 100 100 000
338 Group and Channel Members│🥇AQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 15.53 100 100 000
339 Group and Channel Members│🥇HQ│♻️R90│⚡️ R$ 24.03 100 100 000
340 Group and Channel Members│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 13.52 100 100 000
341 Members on Public Channel│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 24.13 500 10 000
342 Views in the 5 Last Posts R$ 0.73 10 10 000 000
343 Views in the 10 Last Posts R$ 1.45 10 10 000 000
344 Views in the 50 Last Posts R$ 6.72 10 10 000 000
345 Views in the 100 Last Posts R$ 11.50 10 10 000 000
346 Views in the 500 Last Posts R$ 43.11 10 10 000 000
347 Views on Future and Past Posts (Configurable) R$ 0.80 300 19 999
348 Negative Reactions│👎💩 🤮😢 😱│+Views R$ 0.78 10 1 000 000
349 Positive Reactions│👍 ❤️ 🔥 🎉🤩 😁│+Views R$ 0.27 10 1 000 000
350 Premium Positive Reactions│👌 😍 ❤️ 🤡 👍 🐳│+Views R$ 1.49 50 1 000 000
351 Automatic Reactions in 50 Future Posts │ 👍 ❤️ 🔥 🎉 😁│💧│ R$ 64.65 20 2 000 000
352 Post Reactions [🐳] + Views R$ 0.89 10 200 000
353 Post Reactions [💯] + Views R$ 0.89 10 200 000
354 Post Reactions [❤️‍🔥] + Views R$ 0.89 10 1 000 000
355 Post Reactions [🤡] + Views R$ 0.89 10 200 000
356 Post Reactions [⚡️] + Views R$ 0.89 10 200 000
357 Post Reactions [🏆] + Views R$ 0.89 10 200 000
358 Post Reactions [🍓] + Views R$ 0.89 10 200 000
359 Post Reactions [🎃] + Views R$ 0.89 10 200 000
360 Post Reactions [🍾] + Views R$ 0.89 10 1 000 000
361 Post Reactions [💋] + Views R$ 0.89 10 200 000
362 Post Reactions [🥱] + Views R$ 0.89 10 200 000
363 Post Reactions [🥴] + Views R$ 0.89 10 200 000
364 Post Reactions [🍌] + Views R$ 0.89 10 200 000
365 Post Reactions [💔] + Views R$ 0.89 10 200 000
366 Post Reactions [😈] + Views R$ 0.89 10 1 000 000
367 Post Reactions [🌚] + Views R$ 0.89 10 1 000 000
368 Post Reactions [😴] + Views R$ 0.89 10 1 000 000
369 Post Reactions [🤓] + Views R$ 0.89 10 200 000
370 Post Reactions [👨] + Views R$ 0.89 10 200 000

Services for Facebook

371 Monetization │60K Minutos│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 58.15 1 000 1 000
372 Profile Followers│🥇HQ│⚡️⚡️ R$ 28.69 100 5 000 000
373 Profile Followers│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️⚡️ R$ 36.04 100 5 000 000
374 Followers on Page│⭐Premium │➖│⚡️│♻️R30 R$ 10.74 100 1 000 000
375 Page Likes│🥇HQ│♻️R60│⚡️ R$ 19.55 100 10 000
376 Page Likes or Followers│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 14.75 10 1 000 000
377 Brazilian Likes and Followers on Page│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 25.87 50 200 000
378 Likes in comments│⭐Premium│➖│💧│⚡️ R$ 17.82 10 5 000
379 Personalized Comments│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 29.61 100 50 000
380 Personalized Brazilian Comments│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 853.13 10 250
381 Random Brazilian Comments│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 568.76 10 250
382 Views│🥇HQ│⚡️⚡️ R$ 15.56 50 10 000 000
383 Views on Reels│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 14.20 50 10 000 000
384 Live Views│⚡️Start 0-10 Minutes⚡️│15 Minutes│🥇HQ R$ 9.98 10 10 000
385 Live Views│⚡️Start 0-10 Minutes⚡️│30 Minutes│🥇HQ R$ 19.95 10 10 000
386 Live Views│⚡️Start 0-10 Minutes⚡️│60 Minutes│🥇HQ R$ 40.94 10 10 000
387 Live Views│⚡️Start 0-10 Minutes⚡️│90 Minutes│🥇HQ R$ 61.38 10 10 000
388 Live Views│⚡️Start 0-10 Minutes⚡️│120 Minutes│🥇HQ R$ 81.83 10 10 000
389 Live Views│⚡️Start 0-10 Minutes⚡️│150 Minutes│🥇HQ R$ 102.30 10 10 000
390 👍Like post│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 13.83 50 100 000
This service must be sent in multiples of 100*
391 👍Like post│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 33.95 25 5 000
392 ❤️I loved it│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 18.03 100 100 000
393 😲 Wow│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 18.03 100 100 000
394 😂Haha│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 18.03 100 100 000
395 😢Sad│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 18.03 100 100 000
396 😡 Anger│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 18.03 100 100 000
397 🥰In love│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 18.03 100 100 000

TrĂĄfego para Site

398 Brazil Traffic from R$ 2.22 100 1 000 000

The service is only for traffic, without generating any type of retention on the website, that is, it will only generate clicks on the link on your website, it will not generate real accesses, when using the service use "" to measure the clicks, in case the order is not delivered we will accept complaints only if the link provided has been measured by

Services for Tidal

399 Profile Followers│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 199.03 100 100 000
400 Followers on Playlist│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 215.62 100 100 000
401 Premium Likes│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 628.84 100 100 000
402 Unique Listeners│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 161.72 1 000 100 000
403 Video plays│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 100.59 1 000 1 000 000
404 Plays in playlist│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 80.87 10 000 100 000

Serviços para SnackVideo

405 Followers│⭐Premium│⚡️│♻️R30 R$ 4.00 10 500 000
406 Brazilian Followers│Male │⭐Premium│⚡️│♻️R30 R$ 10.11 10 500 000
407 Brazilian Followers│Female│⭐Premium│⚡️│♻️R30 R$ 10.11 10 500 000
408 Likes │⭐Premium│⚡️│♻️R30 R$ 2.98 10 600 000
409 Likes + Views│⭐Premium│⚡️│♻️R30 R$ 6.74 10 600 000
410 Brazilian Likes Male│⭐Premium│⚡️│♻️R30 R$ 10.11 10 500 000
411 Brazilian Likes Female│⭐Premium │⚡️│♻️R30 R$ 10.11 10 500 000
412 Random Comments│⭐Premium │⚡️│♻️R30 R$ 8.53 10 1 000 000
413 Custom Comments│⭐Premium │⚡️│♻️R30 R$ 13.07 10 1 000 000
414 Random Comments on Broadcast│⭐Premium │⚡️│♻️R30 R$ 14.10 10 1 000 000
415 Custom Broadcast Comments│⭐Premium │⚡️│♻️R30 R$ 15.54 10 1 000 000
416 Stream Likes│⭐Premium │⚡️│♻️R30 R$ 11.17 10 1 000 000
417 Broadcast Shares│⭐Premium │⚡️│♻️R30 R$ 13.72 10 1 000 000
418 Shares│⭐Premium│⚡️│♻️R30 R$ 5.63 10 1 000 000
419 Downloads│ ⭐Premium│⚡️│♻️R30 R$ 4.73 10 500 000
420 Dislikes│ ⭐Premium│⚡️│♻️R30 R$ 4.96 10 500 000
421 Comment Likes│⭐Premium│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 14.48 10 500 000
422 Saved │⭐Premium│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 11.30 10 500 000

Services for Linkedin

423 Followers in profile│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 599.63 10 1 000
424 Followers on company page│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 66.55 100 10 000
425 Likes on publications│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 479.70 25 4 000
426 Likes on publications│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 319.81 5 1 000
427 Visualizações│🥇AQ│⚡️ R$ 0.59 100 100 000 000
428 Comments│🥇HQ│⚡️ R$ 355.00 5 1 000

Services for Reddit

429 Subscribed│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 15.53 100 4 500
430 Views│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 4.61 100 10 000 000
431 Sharing│🥇HQ│♻️R30│⚡️ R$ 9.60 20 10 000 000

Services for Dribble

432 Followers│🥇HQ│➖│💧│⚡️ R$ 14.97 50 1 000
433 Likes│🥇HQ│➖│💧│⚡️ R$ 14.97 50 1 000

Services for Rumble

434 Views│🥇HQ│💧│⚡️ R$ 13.42 1 000 500 000
435 American Views│🥇HQ│💧│⚡️ R$ 16.76 1 000 500 000
436 Brazilian Views│🥇HQ│💧│⚡️ R$ 16.76 1 000 500 000
437 Russian Views│🥇HQ│💧│⚡️ R$ 16.76 1 000 500 000
438 Views Latam│🥇HQ│💧│⚡️ R$ 16.76 1 000 500 000

Services for Shopee

439 Live Viewers│⭐Premium │💧│15 min│⚡️ R$ 35.00 100 20 000
440 Live Viewers│⭐Premium │💧│30 min│⚡️ R$ 69.99 10 20 000
441 Live Viewers│⭐Premium │💧│60 min│⚡️ R$ 139.95 100 20 000
442 Live Viewers│⭐Premium │💧│90 min│⚡️ R$ 209.93 10 20 000
443 Live Viewers│⭐Premium │💧│120 min│⚡️ R$ 279.90 10 20 000
444 Live Viewers│⭐Premium │💧│180 min│⚡️ R$ 419.84 10 20 000
445 Live Viewers│⭐Premium │💧│240 min│⚡️ R$ 559.79 10 20 000
446 Live Viewers│⭐Premium │💧│360 min│⚡️ R$ 839.68 10 20 000
447 Live Viewers│⭐Premium │💧│720 min│⚡️ R$ 1679.36 10 20 000